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BIM-based Facility Management

Panagiotis Papargyris


Theoretical point of departure

The life cycle of a project can be roughly divided into three phases: design, construction, operation / maintenance. A large amount of bibliography [indicatively 1, 2] realizes that the costs during the phase that comes after the design and construction phases, namely the operations and maintenance phase, are by far higher than the costs in design and construction – and so is the potential for cost savings. This realization is accompanied by an increased interest in Facility Management [indicatively 3, 4, 5, 6], which becomes more demanding when it comes to structures that perform complex functions (airports, hospitals). The issue becomes more pressing in the light of the global economic crisis that is raging with no end in sight, reorienting the emphasis of the market towards cost reduction and sustainability.

The service

The service is based on an innovative BIM-based information exchange platform which will be used for the efficient management of the O&M stage of facilities.

The platform contains an analytical ontology / breakdown structure of the various systems and subsystems operating in a facility, as well as various data classes that an information exchange framework needs to include in order to facilitate the effective and efficient management of the O&M stage of a facility. The information come from two directions: horizontally (across the lifecycle from the design, construction, and operations and maintenance phases) and vertically (from concurrent processes of the OM phase). In this way, it is ensured that the owners and facility managers have access to all the information they need, in a useful format that replaces cardboard boxes and binders with a live information system that is constantly updated.

The contents of the platform and its design have been based on a in-depth analysis of the relevant scientific literature and have been tested in the field - specifically in the construction of the Midfield Terminal Building of the Abu Dhabi Airport, a $2.94 billion project.

To whom this service is addressed

We address this service to companies and public institutions that own or manage large buildings and facilities, especially if they operate in industry sectors that are demanding in terms of facilities management (airports, hospitals, factories, etc.).


1. Peter E.D. Love, Jane Matthews, Ian Simpson, Andrew Hill, Oluwole A. Olatunji. A benefits realization management building information modeling framework for asset owners, Automation in Construction 37 (2014) 1–10

2. Jordani, D. A., 2010. BIM and FM: The portal to lifecycle facility management. Journal of Building Information Modeling, Volume 6, pp. 13-16.

3. Don Sapp (2014), “Facilities Operations & Maintenance”,

4. Shohet, I.M. & Lavy, S. (2004), “Healthcare facilities management: state of the art review”, Facilities, Vol. 22 No. 7/8, pp. 210-220.

5. Shire, B.; Maintenance and Facilities Management, 2011, Original Writing Ltd., Dublin

6. ISO 55000:2014, Asset management — Overview, principles and terminology,!iso:std:iso:55000:ed-1:v2:en

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